
Showing posts from August, 2015

15 things I will definitely tell my daughter One Day….

People say that time just flies away from looking into the innocent eyes and lovely smiles of children and it is definitely not an exaggeration. After becoming a mom to a lovely darling, I can experience the hidden fact behind those words. I can now proudly say that the presence of a baby can make the future worth living... Every time I look into my daughter’s eyes I fall in love with her mesmerizing smile. I tend to forget the past or worry about the future but will hope to live life simply to cherish that moment. I hope the same happens with almost every parent. But later when she sleeps I get to think about how she would face and accept the challenges life would throw at her. It is only then I remember my responsibility as a mother that I should speak my heart out to my little one and try and tell her certain things, which can help her live right. I make sure that one day I will definitely tell these 15 valuable principles, my parents taught me to my lovely darling…  ü ...