Spin a tale around the sleeping baby - 17
Hats are one of the oldest known human accessories and they are celebrated on the national hat day, which falls on the 15th of January every year. So, I thought, even I should enjoy the celebration and so, I started dressing up my baby love and then tell one lovely tale to my dear Samyu. So I imagined the background and here is what I captured. Also thought I should celebrate the crazy hat day, by remaking one of my most favourite pictures of Sioin Queenie Liao, and here is what we could finally do. And now like always here is our little tale around my sleeping baby (Saanvi) for my sweet Samyu... Title of the Story : The clever baby hat seller🤠 Characters: Hat seller, Monkeys, crazy hat lovers. Story Once upon a time, there lived a little baby hat seller🤠, who used to make and sell beautiful and crazy hats🎩. One day she thoug...