Spin a tale around the sleeping baby - 18
In my sister's recent visit, they got her little one tonsured. After that, we decided to dress her up as a little monk and it turned out like this. Then I decided to spin a tale around this baby monk and the little girl for my little Samyu. While doing so, I suddenly remembered a lovely tale by Paramahansa Yogananda, which I once read. Here are some inputs from that little story narrated by me in a slightly different fashion for my little Samyu. Items used apart from clothes include a bowl , Squirrel and building blocks . Title of the Story: The story of the Baby monk Characters: Baby monk, guru, the village head, little girl. Story There was once a monk , who decided to leave his sanctum. When his guru asked the reason, he simply told him that there is a lot of work and no spirituality in that place, so he wanted to find his way out. His master told him that little bit of work is always e