Spin a tale around the sleeping baby - 18

                       In my sister's recent visit, they got her little one tonsured. After that, we decided to dress her up as a little monk and it turned out like this.

             Then I decided to spin a tale around this baby monk and the little girl for my little Samyu. While doing so, I suddenly remembered a lovely tale by Paramahansa Yogananda, which I once read. Here are some inputs from that little story narrated by me in a slightly different fashion for my little Samyu.  

Items used apart from clothes include a bowlSquirrel and building blocks.

Title of the Story: 

The story of the Baby monk

Characters: Baby monk, guru, the village head, little girl. 


                      There was once a monk, who decided to leave his sanctum. When his guru asked the reason, he simply told him that there is a lot of work and no spirituality in that place, so he wanted to find his way out. His master told him that little bit of work is always essential for a person to live better, But the disciple was not convinced and started leaving the Hermitage.

                 Soon he left the Sanctum, passed a forest and then reached a nearby village. All he bought with him is a begging bowl and an extra pair of cloth to cover his body. He sat under the shade of a tree and started meditating. While he was busy meditating, a rat worked on his extra piece of cloth and made it into bits. He was very disappointed with this and looked very worried. At that time, the village head man was passing by that way, he saw the worried monk and asked him the reason. The monk told him about the rat. He advised him to have a cat to take care of the rat. The monk asked the headman, where he will be getting a rat. And the headman told him that he will get it for him and as promised gave a cat to the monk. As expected the cat took care of the rats and they fled away, but the monk needs to go and beg milk for the cat, which was not expected. When he told the headman the same thing, the village head gifted him with a cow. 
             The cow used to feed everywhere and the villagers soon got fed up with it. They came to the monk and told them that they can't tolerate his cow anymore, instead, they 7said they will give him a piece of land. So now, the monk got a few more cows and cats and a piece of land. He borrowed the children from the village to work from him.

              Few days passed by and the villagers again came to the monk. They told that their children are never at home and are always working for him. They told the monk that they can't tolerate this anymore and asked the monk to find a way out. The monk asked the village head man and he advised him to have his own children work for him instead.
               When the monk asked how he could make it possible, he told the monk that he would give his daughter in marriage to him. He also told that his daughter would take care of his house land and his cows.

                  The monk somehow got convinced and decided to marry the daughter of the village head. It is then the guru of the monk passed by that village. He came across his disciple and then asked him about his big house, his land, and property and also about his marriage. He also asked him about the amount of work he is doing after choosing to become a family man. He also asked the monk about finding his spirituality. The disciple realized his mistake and apologized to his guru. He told that it is all for a piece of rag and then left to the hermitage with his guru leaving behind everything.

Moral: Spirituality is the way you feel and it will connect you to the true person within you.

Now that's my tale around our sleeping babies... Do spin your tale around our sleeping baby and let us know it Let the creativity flow. If you like the read, share it with your fellow mommy friends and read it out for your little ones.


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