Today's Your Valentine♥♥♥... [$V(w)allet- In -Time$]

Well to all those reading this post, don't continue further if you have an issue with the title.
"Strength in our muscles may die...
Charm in our skin may perish with time...
But let the true love sprouted in our young hearts be carried till our locks turn gray and to the grave..."
Yours Valentine

February 14th as most of us are familiar with, is the Valentine's day and is marked as one of the most memorable days in the world history. Celebrated in the memoir of the Roman priest Saint Valentine many legends are built to explain the (so called most) romantic day in the world. It was (may be is) a celebration of PURE love in Rome and many countries across the world where flowers and signed scripts containing the expression of true love were exchanged.

The metamorphosis...

My notion about the portion of love I understood from the sugary stories I read during my teen is that it is a pure feeling with care and affection as the prime factors and togetherness its gist.
Bunch of blossoms or stack of cards just to speak the heart out is all what one may expect. (Only if the expression is eternal)
But now I doubt that this celebration has lost its true sense of philosophical eternal love, but have become some shopping fest.
With the hell lot of mailers I have been receiving from the retailers ("If you love someone simply shop and gift to express & surprise your loved ones") since the past few days I'm actually worried that my uncertainty is turning true. 
So here's a free advice to all those February love birds.
You love the month and the surprises it brings in. You may need or become the V(w)allet-in-time, so think and then go ahead even before accepting  or signing a script to your love as "Your Valentine"...


  1. I completely agree with you on this Sowmya ,I really found term "Shopping Fest" quite apt !!

    In all these marketing gimmicks ,real meaning of valentine and true love seems to have lost !!

    Good Article Dear !!


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