A Special Dad!!! “Father of a Daughter”

A baby girl is a bundle of joy, who could love you immensely as a daughter. She could become a mother, wife, sister a friend and more one day. She showers her affectionate aroma around in the process of filling in peace and harmony. A daughter is a mother’s treasure, father’s pride and a precious gift of love. Raising a baby girl is never easy, but it is the loveliest hardship one could look forward for and happily accept. This is because the precious little one can rob your world with her innocent smile and make you live her life.
A girl myself and now a mother to another sweet girl, I see the importance of role of father for the all-round development of a child. Father’s love is a most powerful tool, which can protect and empower his dear daughter. This is not at all an exaggeration, because as a girl child, I know the influence of my dad upon me. Often we speak about the mother and child’s relation, but rarely about the daddy-daughter bonding. Here in this post let me share some thoughts of mine about the precious daddy and daughter relationship, which I had from my dad….

  •       The presence: Every child needs a gentle hand to guide and it can be given to them through the Daddy-Daughter time. Quality time remains as an unanswered question without quantity time. Therefore, devote some time of yours to attain few real loving moments that can be cherished later for a lifetime.
  •     True and Unconditional love: Love of a father can be the most valuable thing a daughter can get. She will forever be a daddy’s little girl as she can experience the magic hidden behind his true emotions. He showers his unconditional love masking it with some seriousness so as to chisel the child with perfection.
  •      Attempt to Gain her respect: This can be attained by a father who is transparent enough with his daughter. Just be frank and open. Speak your heart out with your child. Express your opinions, listen to her views, make her understand the diverse situations the world can show her and if you don’t know something just admit it. 
  •     Truth the unanimous living potion: This is a pretty crucial thing one should make their daughters familiar with. TEACH THEM THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF LIFE. Tell them that they can become anything they want in a truthful way. Just ask them to be honest and trust their own self over anything in this world.
  •       Live her life like yours’: Cherish the moments she passes on to you. Guide her by explaining what to do and what is wrong. Play with her, fight with her at the same time make her understand that everything you do with her is just out of love and you will whatever be the situation, walk with her. Teach her the act of kindness and see that she turns out to be pure at heart and sweet at speech. Help her to remain good and true at the same time teach her to protect her self-respect.
  •      Teach her the meaning of staying consistent: Consistency is the key to success. With live examples and by practice, teach her the meaning of staying consistent. Help her understand that consistency can help her to give her best at school, at home and even at play. Advise her to remain strong, honest and independent during any situation in life.

To a daughter, dad is a super hero. He remains to be the most influential person and definitely the first man to love. She may outgrow his lap, but never his heart. Anything may change with time, but not the emotions attached with our daddies.
A Special Dad… I have got one!!! Hope my daughter will feel the same one day….


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