Clutter free Life... The Need of the Hour....

Clutter is not just the waste found in our homes, attic or in the workplace, but most of us have it in our minds, which will constantly distract us from achieving great things. This must be true in most of the cases and so we look forward to leading a clutter free life, both in the house and in our minds.
A beautiful quote by Eleanor Brown can be recollected in this instance, as it explains it all.

"Clutter is not just the physical stuff. But it is the old ideas, toxic relationships or the bad habits, that doesn't support your better self."

According to me, here are seven simple yet effective means to achieve a clutter free life. They include:
  • Declutter your surroundings: Cluttered surroundings seem pretty messy and doesn't help us relax. So, try and practice discarding the unused stuff as early as possible. 
  • Learn to say a Firm NO: Practice being polite, but at the same time learn to say a firm NO, if you are not happy with anything happening around. This will help you have a pleasant mind and at the same time help you have a control on your self respect. 
  • Stop being a people pleaser: The most important truth one should know is that we cannot make everyone happy. So, stop being a people pleaser and act according to your heart..
  • Know your priorities: It is pretty imperative for an individual to understand and act by knowing their priorities. This will not only help in having things organised, but will also ensure a cool head.
  • Stay flexible: After understanding the priorities, being flexible accordingly can help an individual enjoy smooth and a healthy relationship.
  • Stay away from Negativity: Negativity is always in accord with positivity. It could be the same with materialistic things as well as the human relations. One should be capable of ignoring the negative people, with toxic thoughts and mean minds. Keeping a decent distance from the discouraging lot is always healthy for a clutter free mind.
  • Speak up for yourself: Speaking up for self is the most important skill an individual should learn and practice for the health of the mind and clutter free coexistence. Never throw an advantage by accepting all the blabber of people around you. Stand and speak for yourself if you are not wrong. 
Clutter could be anything that is standing between you and the kind of life you want to live. So simply, let us all get rid of the physical clutter for a healthy surrounding, and mental clutter for a peaceful existence. 


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