Samyu's Story around her sleeping sister...

         Imagining how a Halloween dress up would look like on my baby doll, I started doing my bit and this is how it ended up. My little darling looked lovely as a pretty baby witch. Samyu enjoyed looking at the pictures of her sister as a little witch and to satisfy her curiosity, we had to make few good stories. 
        I told her a story of the Jack-o-lantern and as she wants to listen more of them, we started spinning a tale. But to my surprise, this time my little Samyu created and completed the story with all grace.

This is a Halloween tale my little Samyu spun around her little sleeping sister, kwhich left me surprised at her little brains. 
Here is the Tenth story in my sleeping baby series coming from my little munchkin.

Title of the Story: 

The Baby Witch 🧙‍♀️ and the little girl 👧 

Characters: Baby witch, little girl, mother


           Long long ago, following the Halloween day, a group of witches started flying back to their castles in the deep forest. Among them is a baby witch, who is very good and kind. She was sweet and helped everyone in need. Unfortunately, she got separated from her kind, lost track in the dark and is searching for some light to go further. After flying in the dark for a while, she saw a stick on which a Jack-o-lantern was hung. She flew in that direction, where she saw a little house behind the hanging light. It is here she saw a little girl sitting alone teary-eyed. 
          The baby witch flew further towards the girl and asked the reason behind her tears. The little girl then told the baby witch that she is looking for her mother but could not find her. She also told the baby witch that her mother went away as she is being rude even after telling her repeatedly to remain soft. The baby witch offered help to the little girl to search her mother. The little girl thanked the witch, took the lantern on the stick and both started flying around the house and in the forest looking for her mother. 
            After a while, they came across an owl, who told about seeing a woman under the apple tree. They thanked the owl and flew in the same direction, where finally the little girl found her mother. The little girl ran and bumped into her mom and told her that she would never be rude to anyone again and asked her to come back. The little girl also told that she was offered help to look for her by the kind little witch who is lovely and sweet. Mother thanked the baby witch and retold the little girl that being rude won't do her any good so requested her to stay sweet and friendly with everyone around. 
        Both the little girl and baby witch became very good friends. Since then, the baby witch regularly visited the little girl's house and so as to show her the path, the little girl carved and placed several jack-o-lanterns.

After this story by my Samyu, she asked me what did I learn from this story. I thought for a while and then told her this...
Moral: Hard times help you find good friends.

Do share this story with your mommy friends and read it out for your kids if you like it. Start spinning your tale around my sleeping baby and let the creativity flow...


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