Spin a tale around the Sleeping Baby - 23

My little Saanvi is 355 days old today... Well putting it the other way round - It is 10 days to go for my lovely Saanvi to enjoy her first birthday party and I seem so glad to share it with everyone reading this post. I was a bit stuck with some household chores all these days and could not really write anything in my blog.  But today I decided to take some time out click a picture of my little love and count on our blessings simply to make a memory. So this👇 is all I did...

Well as always after clicking a picture of my Sleeping Saanvi, I decided to Spin a tale around the sleeping baby for my little Samyu (She seems to be growing fast now!!!). And this is what we ended up with.

Title of the Story: 

The Tiny Heart Gatherer...

Characters: Elder sister👱‍♀️, younger sister👧 (Baby), Magical waters💦 and the little queenfish🐟.


                        Once upon a time, there lived two little sisters 👯 . They are very loving and enjoyed playing together. The younger one was a bit naughty, however, the elder one was a bit curious about everything around her and so gets into trouble quickly. One day they happened to pass through the magical waters💦 that flow near their house 🏡 . They always appear clean and pollution-free. The elder sister👱‍♀️ who loves water decided to play in it for a while. The younger sister👧 also agreed and they started playing. Suddenly the elder one came across a beautiful brightly coloured fish🐟 . She wanted to grab it and have fun. Though the younger sister is insisting not to take the fish out of the water the elder did not listen to her and she went ahead to grab the fish 🐟. As expected the fish died as soon as it was grabbed.
                      Suddenly the pure waters turned very very dirty. Then immediately a voice came out of the magical waters 💦. The voice said that the one who killed the little fish 🐟 that helps in keeping the water clean will turn into a dog 🐶. And in no time the elder sister turned into a puppy 🐶. The elder sister👱‍♀️ then cried very badly and asked for forgiveness. The magical water💦 was moved at the sight of the sobbing pup 🐶 and told her that her curse can be altered if she could gather and bring her 365 heart-shaped fruits. These heart-shaped fruits are a blessing and can turn the dirty waters into pollution-free water again.
                      The little baby sister👧, on the other hand, was listening to all this conversation. She decided to help her sister👱‍♀️. So she stepped forward and told the magical waters💦 that she will help her sister gather the heart fruits. However, she told that she does not know how to count and asked the magical waters💦 for little help. The magical waters then gave the baby girl a wheelbarrow and told her that it can count and display the number of heart fruits that the little girl drops in it.

               Then the little girl👧 and her pup🐶 sister went across to find the heart fruits. They walked and walked for several days and finally found a tree🌳 with heart-shaped fruits. The baby girl started plucking the fruits. It took them about 365 days to collect all the 365 fruits.
             During this period, both the baby girl👧 and her pup🐶 sister understood the value of time and life. Finally, they gathered all the 365 heart fruits took them to the magical waters 💦.  The magical water 💦 then asked them to drop just one fruit in it. The little girl 👧 did the same. The magical waters💦 turned clean and pollution-free again. As soon as this happened, the pup 🐶 turned into the elder sister 👱‍♀️.
               The surprised little girl 👧 asked the waters 💦, why did she ask them to gather 365 heart fruits, when only one was sufficient to make them clean. The water then smiled and told the sisters 👯 that it is important for them to realize the importance of constructing something is very difficult than destroying it. She also asked them to go across every polluted water source 🌊 and drop one heart to change them back to clean waters💧. The little girls👯 promised to do so.
Moral: Be a part of a solution not a part of pollution - because it is very easy to destroy and very difficult to build.
If you like the read, do read it for your children and share it with your mommy friends. Also, start spinning your own tale around my sleeping Saanvi and let the creativity flow...


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