Unfolding Eco Feminism....

Though a girl, I am not too much into the concepts of liberal feminism. This can be attributed to my unique upbringing where, I am always free to decide and do what my heart speaks. To be precise, I don't have any restrictions and was given a chance to be myself. 
But I was fascinated with the concepts related to "Eco Feminism" and so this post is finding its place in my space.

This concept is a fusion of patriarchal science, ecology, feminine history, ethology and more and  was explained by Susan Griffin, in her provocative feminist literature "Woman and Nature - The Roaring Inside Her".

Eco feminism as I look at it:

Women in general possess a special connection with the nature/ environment. But the oppression where, man dominates women and culture dominates nature is still in existence. The sapiens seek themselves superior than the natural environment (in this context, both men and women share common grounds) and are (with their activities) making the eco-friendly environs vulnerable thus, causing immense imbalance in its heart.
Eco feminists are simply against this exploitation of both women and the nature. Mother Nature is portrayed as feminine as it is connected to women more than men since ages. This could be understood if we make an attempt to correlate and explain the connection between the two compeers (nature & women) found in the history.

This concept seems more realistic because both nature and women, who are the main reasons behind the sustenance of humanity are facing the rage of men. All we could do at this point is to stand against those odds determined to control the rights of natural environment artificially.   


  1. Eco-Feminism totally an alien topic for me Sowmya , how come on earth do you find such unique topics to write !
    So Iam an Eco- Feminist and proud to be one :-) much more meaningful than being a liberal feminist , thanks for wonderful writeup and keep it up ��


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