Put away perfectionism for a peaceful living

The word "just perfect!!!" ( the most im.perfect benchmark) is heard and used pretty frequently by most of us. I am not an exemption.
It is because, I do agree to the fact perfection in work is needed for a positive outcome, but at the same time I believe it's not a benchmark to determine and grade an individual and his/her standard. For instance;
"I just love her, only if she is perfect!", is a degrading and equally a depressing phrase. "Well it could be much better, only if it was done with perfection..." is far better than the former. But, "it is fine if the job done is good enough", is even more relaxing.

Perfectionism - A Perplexing Personality 

According to psychology, Perfectionism is a complex personality trait of an individual, (tagged as a perfectionist) coupled with both positive and negative aspects and is often seen in females, freaking them to the core.

It is so true and this condition can be closely related to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). We women multitask. Inturn we stress ourselves the most to put equal vigor and commitment in career as well as our personal life. And in this process even when 11 out of 12 things are perfect we begin to feel miserable for that 1 incomplete activity, and this definetely is the root for perfectionism.

What's in Perfectionism???

A perfectionist striving for flawless results can be benefitted (more than a slob) with the positive aspects of this trait, which simply helps an individual to fix a goal and work in its way to achieve it. But the lists of negatives can project perfectionism as a scary practice and encourage us to put it aside for a peaceful living. A brief list in general can be as follows:
  • Even if you are extremely good in organizational skills and time management techniques, it will not help you to keep up the balance, if you are too much into perfection.
  • This is because, striving to remain perfect, we begin to stress ourselves
  • Failing to achieve those targets, we get depressed.
  • Stressful living can drag us to a stage where we loose our own self, i.e, we begin to loose our positive traits, as a result we start hating our own self (an extremely dangerous state)
  • Stress can also affect the health and worsen things.

"Just perfect!!!", Unfortunately I am not....
But do I need to bother about it and make it steal my precious and peaceful living. Well I don't really think it should be that way.
On this note let me just re-quote a pretty famous phrase, Nobody is perfect, but simply all of us will try to add perfection to things we do (at the same time, don't forget the consequences of being over perfect) and I seriously think that attitude should be respected.


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