Boredom... A sucking emotional state

 "Boredom, an emotional state, can drag an individual to the verge of insanity or can make him/her extremely creative..."

              ....Not even a single word in the quotes is an exaggeration as it could be understood just out of experience.      
                     I find myself hanging out in my space after a long time and the post I am making exactly reveals my current state of mind. As a matter of fact, I strongly believe that boredom comes from a boring mind, but may be I stopped finding myself interesting so that I am writing on something that really is a enemy of human kind. 

Therefore, overcoming boredom that's drooping over you through loneliness is of utmost importance and we as humans develop habits to do so. Only if you could read so far without getting bored then do proceed further to find some of my ways to withstand the most sucking life experience.

  • Find yourself a pastime: Dust some books from your old shelf as they can make some good reads or paint your favourite faded vase to turn it new or fill some puzzles or quill some craft papers lying in the cupboard to make a art piece. (Or simply scribble your thoughts and speak your mind).
  • Play some games: Let it be a game of chess or a candy crush bring in some fun into your lonely living.
  • Recollect your memories: Good memories are a great means to help you keep your mind stable. So recollect some great time you had in the past with your loved ones.
  • Try some act that can keep you tuned: Listen to some good tunes, learn and practise a new skill, speak to yourself and know what your heart craves for (not the mind), cook some of your favourite foods, improve your existing skills, finish your unfinished works and bring out your creative skills.  

                        I don't look at me like a extrovert but I don't call myself an introvert either. I feel like having my own space but never consider being lonely as a prime option. Till today I never understood how my mom often felt when she was left alone between the four walls but today, I realise the difficulty (just out of experience) that she goes through and I take a bow for her ability in withstanding the disgusting mood swings that take over the empty and uninterested mind that results due to monotony and loneliness and still remain as cheerful as always.


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