Let me hug you one more time!!!

      I will wear my pant all by myself!!!!!
 I will comb my hair all by myself!!!
I can wear my Mickey sandals all by myself!!!”
These are some of the early morning words I heard from my little Samyu, until which I did not know that she grew too big. She was not just telling these words but to my surprise doing these things all by herself. Her individuality spoke a lot and made me reflect and also realise few things about the future. I realised that my dear little munchkin is growing all big too quickly and one day there will be no messy toys lying on the floor for me to clean or no more pranks to play to make my fussy eater eat. I also know that there will be a day when no one will be standing knocking at the door and calling me out just for the sake of calling when I escape for a quick shower or sit on the kitchen counter and keep questioning me about everything I do out of great curiosity.

In a flash I became aware that there comes a day where I don’t need to repeatedly answer the same question to which I just finished answering or there will be no one to ask me about carrying them around. One day, when I wake up, there will be no more toys under my pillow or a need for me to build up a story to make her brush her cute little teeeth. I also know that a point comes where, I no longer need to make her understand that she looks like a princess all beautiful and cheered up when she needs to put on a party dress.
I suddenly became conscious about the fact that there will be a day where she will outgrow all her naughtiness and will stop throwing tantrums. Then, may be every nook and corner of the house will remain clean and picture perfect without her creative drawings, that speak her mind out, on the walls or her toys lying under the furniture or on the floor. Then, may be the long wet kisses and warm hugs can shorten and become just the chocolate bites she love. Also the bed time stories she loves to listen now may no longer be needed. Then there remains an unknown silence, a void, which would make me recollect all the innocent smiles and naughty deeds I missed as my little sunshine outgrow my lap.
But one scary truth remains at the back of my mind. And it is....
Will I ever outgrow this stage of motherhood and will I ever learn to look at you in any other way other than as my tiny lovely bundle of joy??? You will grow up soon and at a speed I never imagined. But all I want to say is you may outgrow my lap but never my heart as you leave in with me some ever fresh memories. Let me hug you one more time, even before you will be too big for me to hold you on my lap and let me make this post a memory that I can cherish in times that come by.


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