Spin a tale around the sleeping baby - 13
Since the past few days, I was talking about things like patience, perseverance, kindness and more such important traits that I wish to inculcate in my little ones through my little moral stories, which I spun around my sleeping baby. Today is no different. So, I thought I will help my little Samyu learn the most mesmerizing magic word - “ THANK YOU .” For this, I choose the week after Thanksgiving day, as she told me about thanking her teachers and support staff back at her school by giving some flowers and cards. So, I quickly prepared the background for my sleeping baby, who eventually got up during our photo shoot to enjoy a sumptuous Thanksgiving meal, with her good friend the Minnie Mouse. After clicking a few adorable sleeping baby pictures I along with my little Samyu started spinning a small story, which ended up like this. Title of the story: Being Thankful Characters: The little baby, Minnie Mouse, little g...