
6 things marriage will surely bring into the life of a girl...

“ Life is a bed of beautiful roses, but, roses come with thorns… ” The above quote explains the way life treats us.  From the time of birth till death, life of an individual can be divided into five stages like the childhood; the most innocent and the playful period, adolescence; most energetic stage, early adulthood and middle age; most complicated and responsible stage and finally the old age; filled with experience and wisdom.        Among all these stages, early adulthood stands out as one is introduced to a new family and of course a new world through a simple yet most powerful bonding called the “ Marriage, ” which can be regarded as a crucial happening of life. And for a girl in India, a knot can change the whole scenario of her life in a jiff. Here are six things, which marriage will  bring in to the life of a girl... The art of homemaking: If you are in a nuclear family or with your in-laws, it is always essential for an individual to know the basics of home making

Role of Grandparents in a child's life...

                      Every parent thinks about becoming a grandparent one day. Even with the changing trends in lifestyle, the role of grandparents, both paternal and maternal, remains equal and pretty crucial in a child's life. I consider myself unlucky as I lost mine, but still feel blessed because of my maternal gran , who is undoubtedly an impeccable woman. But, my dear Samyu is lucky as she is gifted to enjoy the affection of her grandparents.                                                        Grandparents often hold a dynamic role in the family and of course in the life of a child. They play with them, protect them, share fun, enlighten their minds, teach them the ethics and values with wisdom than they did as parents and love them to the bits. Though not the direct parents, they are the trusted adults in the family. They  need not willingly be a part of the child care but remain imperative in the process of child's development into a complete individual.  An

15 things I will definitely tell my daughter One Day….

People say that time just flies away from looking into the innocent eyes and lovely smiles of children and it is definitely not an exaggeration. After becoming a mom to a lovely darling, I can experience the hidden fact behind those words. I can now proudly say that the presence of a baby can make the future worth living... Every time I look into my daughter’s eyes I fall in love with her mesmerizing smile. I tend to forget the past or worry about the future but will hope to live life simply to cherish that moment. I hope the same happens with almost every parent. But later when she sleeps I get to think about how she would face and accept the challenges life would throw at her. It is only then I remember my responsibility as a mother that I should speak my heart out to my little one and try and tell her certain things, which can help her live right. I make sure that one day I will definitely tell these 15 valuable principles, my parents taught me to my lovely darling…  ü   Stay

Dear Dad, we could never Thank you enough!!!

                  This post in my blog will always remain special, as it is all about the most precious person in my life. It is none other than my DAD, the real energy and of course the driving force behind our success and happiness.  I am extremely thankful, privileged and definitely proud to be a dear daughter to my lovely parents, because of whom I am here today, who will cross that one extra mile to see us smile.               It is so true that every dad is a super hero for their child. This fact is never an exaggeration and can gain complete acceptance because, he will sacrifice every bit of him to see his kids flourishing and happy.  He shines with pride when we succeed and is the only man who can never hurt us or tolerate our tears or the reason behind them.               The relationship between father and daughter  is always the most special one and just the actions  can reveal several unspoken facts. I am blessed to live and enjoy such a wonderful bond with the most l

Motherhood --- Mere feeling of being complete...

                          " Amma" is definitely the most beautiful world and of course a word we all are familiar with since the time we have opened our eyes into this world. I am not an exception to this fact and can frankly say that I am so fond of the lady love, i.e, my mom.           And o n this mothers day, I take a moment to thank her for everything she gave and also share my happiness and delight, in this space, as I am about to step into the new avenues of a sweet and challenging responsibility---  "The Motherhood!!!"                                             It is not at all an exaggeration when I call my mom a true role model for my thoughts and actions. She is the most inspiring person as she wears many hats to juggle several responsibilities within the family and will never give up. The warmth, care and the aura of unconditional love she showers on us is so pure that words fail to express the silent spirit of this adorable woman.  She is

A (HOLY...) Day without ELECTRONIC GADGETS....?????

                       Time has changed a lot from the past. Today, we could not imagine a minute of our day without using some electronic gadgets, which are among us as a part of the innovative skills of our ancestors and hold a great impact on our lives. They are actually invented to save our time  and help us lead a better life. But, do we always use it in the right way??? Is the technology helping us lead our lives in the right way or are we missing some of the most valuable time of our lives with the innovative goods??? Let me use this blog post of mine to channel out my views.... Technology is the life of modern society, but a defect free software doesn't exist..                         Imagine yourself without any of the smart phones, laptops or any other gadgets that keep you busy all day. Intriguing isn't it??? Well If I am supposed to spend a day away from all these technological innovations I have some cool thoughts, passing across...                  

Boredom... A sucking emotional state

            " B oredom, an emotional state, can drag an individual to the verge of insanity or can make him/her extremely creative..."               ....Not even a single word in the quotes is an exaggeration as it could be understood just out of experience.                                                  I find myself hanging out in my space after a long time and the post I am making exactly reveals my current state of mind. As a matter of fact, I strongly believe that boredom comes from a boring mind, but may be I stopped finding myself interesting so that I am writing on something that really is a enemy of human kind.  Therefore, overcoming boredom that's drooping over you through loneliness is of utmost importance and we as humans develop habits to do so. Only if you could read so far without getting bored then do proceed further to find some of my ways to withstand the most sucking life experience. Find yourself a pastime: Dust some books from your